Question 1073: Using Voice in Character and Narration

Nichole asks: How can I make my first person narrator voice more distinctive? If I changed to third person, would that work better? Resources Mentioned:I, Claudius and Claudius the God, both by Robert GravesThe Clarke Lantham Mysteries by J. Daniel SawyerThe Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger Sponsored by Archivos

On Predictability…

Today we explore the different things it might mean when someone complains your story is “predictable,” or when you default to that description with a story you’re trying to enjoy. Resources mentioned:LOST“…All You Zombies…” by Robert A. HeinleinPredestination (film staring Ethan Hawke)LooperWuthering Heights by Emily BrontëSoulless by Gail CarrigerThe Force …