Question 1067: Fiction Preorders
Tim asks:If you were going to set up a fiction preorder, what is the shortest timeframe you’d schedule for it?
Tim asks:If you were going to set up a fiction preorder, what is the shortest timeframe you’d schedule for it?
Simon asks:What are your thoughts on keeping your cover to the conventions versus standing out a little? Resources:By Darkness Forged by Nathan LowellThe Resurrection Junket by J. Daniel Sawyer Sponsored by Archivos
Tim asks:Could you describe your current approach to a long series? For context: I’m getting ready to launch a new project of many shorter books. Sponsored by Archivos
Nichole asks: What is your take, is Sci-fi/Fantasy mostly a genre guys read? Will being a woman writing a guys’ genre be a detriment to sales? Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien Starship Troopers by Robert A Heinlein The Forever War by Joe Halderman Song of the Lioness by Tamora …
Nichole asks: What are some ideas for building a reader base?
Nichole asks: What is your advice for writers conferences? How can you get the best out of them if you are not a presenter? I plan to go to my first this summer. Writer’s Conventions: Are They Worth It?
Nichole asks: You mentioned high paying markets in episode 935. What are highest paying markets and how do you find them?
Nichole asks: “How important are pre-sales, and what is the benefit?”
Nichole asks: I’m thinking of submitting my short story to publications both in the US & abroad. Any recommendations? Resources Mentioned Playing the Short Game by Doug Smith
Nichole asks: Any thoughts on choosing your pen name if you write somewhat whimsical sci-fi/fantasy? Resources Mentioned: Torchwood Number of the Beast, Robert A Heinlein